andrea goldman

GOD v dog text

Dog as a god? Dumb mud.

Dr. Awkward, Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era? Don't nod. Ere hypocrisies or poses are in, my hymn I erase. So prose I, sir, copy here. Name no one man. Trap all afoot; I too fall apart! Never odd or even.

No, it is opposition. God lived on no devil, dog. Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina.

Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard!

Nor I, fool, ah no! We won halo - of iron.

Egad, an adage!

Now, sir, a war is won. A new order began, a more Roman age bred Rowena. Deified. Party boobytrap. No witness--a fool (aloof assent): I won.

No, Sir, prefer prison. 'Do nine men interpret?' 'Nine men,' I nod. No, it is open on one position.

Mix a maxim! Bombard a drab mob! Stressed? No tips? Spit on desserts!

Desserts I desire not, so long no lost one rise distressed. No, Sir. Panic is a basic in a prison.

Live not on evil, madam, live not on evil.

Dog, as a devil deified, lived as a god.

Live on evasions? No, I save no evil. Dogma: I am God. Dog-deifiers reified God.

Dog embargo: O grab me, God!

Goddam mad dog!

Mad am I, madam? Paris, sir, appals a dog. God, a slap!

Dog--no poop on God!

I saw I was I. God saw I was dog. Did I do, O God, did I as I said I'd do? Good, I did!

Dogma in my hymn: I am God! I am a I.

God: Deified dog.

I am a I? Dogma in my hymn: I am God!

Did I do, O God, did I as I said I'd do? Good, I did! God saw I was dog. I saw I was I.

Dog--no poop on God!

Paris, sir, appals a dog. God, a slap! Mad am I, madam!

Goddam mad dog!

Dog embargo: O grab me, God!

Dog-deifiers reified God. Dogma: I am God. Live on evasions? No, I save no evil.

Dog, as a devil deified, lived as a god.

Live not on evil, madam, live not on evil.

No, Sir. Panic is a basic in a prison. Desserts I desire not, so long no lost one rise distressed.

Stressed? No tips? Spit on desserts! Bombard a drab mob! Mix a maxim!

No, it is open on one position. 'Do nine men interpret?' 'Nine men,' I nod. No, Sir, prefer prison.

No witness--a fool (aloof assent): I won. Party boobytrap. Deified. A new order began, a more Roman age bred Rowena. Now, sir, a war is won.

Egad, an adage!

Nor I, fool, ah no! We won halo - of iron.

Drab as a fool, aloof as a bard!

Animal loots foliated detail of stool lamina. God lived on no devil, dog. No, it is oppostion.

Never odd or even. Trap all afoot: I too fall apart. Name no one man. Ere hypocrisies or poses are in, my hymn I erase. So prose I, sir, copy here. Don't nod. Are we not drawn onward, we few, drawn onward to new era, Dr Awkward?

Dumb mud. Dog as a god?